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Easy Way To Protect Against Power Surges This Summer

Home & Electrical Safety, Seasonal
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It’s Time To Invest in a Whole-House Surge Protector 

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) noted that in 2020, the average American had at least eight hours of power interruptions. This means power surges are much more common than most people think. When these events happen, homeowners experience more than temporary inconveniences; they can also suffer damage to their homes and electronic devices. 

Thankfully, there are many things homeowners can do to protect their homes from power outages and surges. Some considerations include investing in a surge protector. These devices are relatively inexpensive and can save homeowners hundreds of dollars in replacement and repair costs down the road. 

Power Surges Are Electric Overloads 

The home can only handle so much voltage at once. A power surge is what it sounds like; it’s when a wave of intense power comes into the home, delivering more electricity than appliances and electronics can handle. 

Some signs of a power surge include flickering lights, turning on and off appliances, and losing power more frequently than usual. Many homes experience power surges and don’t suffer damage. However, when a power surge happens, it can cause extreme damage. In some cases, they can even make a home temporarily uninhabitable. 

Power surges aren’t random. They generally happen during thunderstorms when there’s lightning present. In Pennsylvania, March through August are the state’s rainiest seasons. That means power surges can occur in the spring and early summer. 

The Three Main Dangers of Power Surges


When an intense power surge happens: 

  • Plugged-in electronics, such as charging phones, may stop working. The power surge could effectively “fry” the device, breaking it. 
  • The home’s power grid could suffer severe harm, requiring the help of a trained professional. 
  • Residents could suffer electric shocks when plugging in or unplugging devices. 

Power surges are not to be taken lightly. However, homeowners can prevent these events from harming their homes with some foresight. One option is installing a whole-home surge protector. These devices prevent excess energy from damaging the home’s power grid. They also prevent personal devices and appliances from suffering damage. 

When Is It Time To Get a Whole Home Surge Protector Replacement? 


Like most things, surge protectors don’t last forever. On average, these devices stay anywhere from two to five years. Some surge protectors last even less than two years, especially in areas where thunderstorms are common. 

Some signs that it’s time to consider whole-home surge protector repair (or replacement) include: 

  • Lights flicker on and off, even when the lightbulbs are changed 
  • Smoke comes from power outlets 
  • Appliances turn on and off 
  • Light switches stop working 
  • Burnt smells emit from power outlets and cords 

Many homeowners may buy power strips that have built-in surge protection. Yet, these devices only go so far that they only protect the devices plugged in. They do not cover the home itself from power surges and their effects. 

About JDV Electric 

JDV Electric is a family-owned and operated business serving Lansdowne, PA, and the surrounding areas since 2005. They provide transparent pricing, financing, and a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Call them today for whole house surge protector services in Lansdowne, PA.

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